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Mouvement, Conscience corporelle et santé
Discover nature - Sensory experiences in the forest

Public cible

Personnel encadrant





7 h


Description of the course:

Forest and nature education recognises the forest as a pedagogically valuable space of experience and tries to bring the participants closer to the ecological and social interconnections of the forest.
By using holistic teaching and learning methods, the participants can not only have positive learning experiences, but also become more aware of the need for an environmentally responsible approach to nature.
The main focus of this training is on the sensual exploration of the forest environment with all its many different aspects. With the help of playful and interactive activities, in connection with the senses of hearing, feeling, smelling and seeing, it is possible to facilitate interesting sessions for children of all ages.

In the field of inclusion, the forest and the discovery of the natural environment through the senses also provides the opportunity to create adaptable activities in line with the specific needs of the individual children.

Goals and competencies to be acquired:

  • learning about the impact of nature activities on children's perceptive abilities, body awareness and creativity
  • Experiencing forest educational games and activities in practice.
  • Broadening one's own pool of methods.
  • Getting to know the model structure of a forest education session.
  • Learning to implement group-oriented activities in the forest on the topic of "senses".




M.A. Outdoor Education

Natur- und Erlebnispädagogin

Natur · Beweegung · Entwécklung Sàrls



dates disponibles

Session 1 (Référence : FOC_001586)*

  • Du 08/05/2024 de 09:00 à 12:00 Au 08/05/2024
  • Du 08/05/2024 de 13:00 à 17:00 Au 08/05/2024

3 place(s) disponible(s)

* Repas non compris


Externe : 0€
Les formations dispensées par nos soins sont payantes 40€/1h pour toute personne qui ne s’inscrive pas avec un nr. ID de type Service d’Education et d’Accueil ou Service d’Aide à l’Enfance attribué dans le cadre du dispositif du SNJ

Inscription pour le personnel éducatif
Besoin d'une formation, du soutien pédagogique ou d'un accompagnement professionnel (coaching/supervision) sur mesure?